
Banking needs vary from business to business. Regardless of the size of your business, we have the right account for you. It's our business to make your business banking easy whether in-person, online, or on-the-go with our mobile app. As technology moves us forward, we remain dedicated to providing old-fashioned person to person customer service blended with our suite of electronic products.



Simple account choices to help you better manage your business.

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Whether you’re planning for the immediate future or thinking ahead towards the next generation of your company, First State Bank of Odem offers flexible ways to save for the future while still maintaining access to cash reserves.

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We offer a wide range of financial solutions for your business with local decision making.

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Commercial Credit Cards

Commercial Credit Cards

We make it easy to choose the credit card that is right for you - Low Rate or Preferred Points Rewards. It’s the only card you need for everything you need to do.

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Small enough to know you...Large enough to serve you.